Image showing busy desk with laptop, open fileofax with diary, cup of coffee and chart showing graph with man pointing pen at graph Image showing closed laptop with womans hands holding i-phone beside open notebook holding pen poised to write notes. Image showing one hand of two different men pointing at items on profit and loss sheets Image showing open MacBook Air with one hand on keyboard and a coffee in the other hand with open notebook on desk beside Image with back of leather executive chair and open laptop on desk with pen, pencil, phone and brochure on desk

Public Notices and Meeting Agendas


Dates of future Meetings
  • Thursday 8th August 2024 Parish Council Meeting 7pm
  • Thursday 19th September 2024 Parish Council Meeting 7pm
  • Thursday 31st October 2024 Parish Council Meeting 7pm
  • Thursday 12th December 2024 Parish Council Meeting 7pm
  • Thursday 9th January 2025 Parish Council Meeting 7pm
  • Thursday 13th February 2025 Parish Council Meeting 7pm
  • Thursday 20th March 2025 Parish Council Meeting 7pm
Download agenda file here
Image showing result of Parish Council election


Election of Parish Councillors for Compton Bassett; with only five councillors putting themselves forward for the seven seats available.

Result: Uncontested.





Image showing quill and ink on open minute book

Meeting agendas will be posted below around a week before any upcoming meeting. Please see list below for any future meeting dates.


All enquiries regarding this matter should be addressed to Diane Zeitzen (Parish Clerk) via email

The next meeting is schedule has not been scheduled yet. Details will be published nearer the time.

Annual Community Meetings

Compton Bassett Parish Community Meeting was held 17th May 2023 after the Compton Bassett Annual Parish Council Meeting at Compton Bassett Village Hall
8pm start

Download draft minutes file here

Under provision of The Local Government Act 1972 it is a requirement that an annual Parish Meeting is held once a year on or after 1st March and on or before 1st June. This year set for 11th April. The meeting is normally to be called by the Chairman of the Parish Council, and if present should preside, it may also be called by any two councillors for the parish or six electors from that parish. If the Chairman is absent, then the Vice Chairman should preside. If also absent, the parish meeting may appoint a person to take the chair, and that person shall have, for the purposes of that meeting, the powers and authority of the chairman. But is not for the regular conducting of Parish Council business except where to inform the meeting of a development in previous public interest events or campaigns or to answer a question raised by a member of the public entitled to attend. The meeting should be minuted and the minutes entered in a book provided for that purpose and signed at the same or the following assembly of the parish meeting by the person presiding at that meeting.

Below you will see the minutes of the meeting held on 11th April 2018 in draft form and further down the approved minutes of previous meetings. You can read them on the page or download the pdf to read later.

If you have a specific question or issue you have concerning the parish meetings please contact our clerk Diane Zeitzen